Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nail design

I know I haven't posted an update for a while, am stop waiting on a photo from my Mani & pedi assessment.  Needless to say, I passed, yay !!!!
This flower design I used China glaze - strawberry fields,  the artwork was done using acrylic paints
I hope you all like, :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

14th March

So today we did mock exams for our mani/pediatric assessment, apart from having chronic shakes I think I did ok.
Ranel, my partner for the day did my nails in black.
I got home and Margo laughed at me or my nails, I couldn't distinguish which, so I thought "let's make them more ME."
You can be the judge of the results, oh, in case you don't know what you are looking at, Google emoticons.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 8 - French tips

Forgot to post yesterday, was 'hell' busy doin mani's and pedi's.
Today we learnt French tips, using acrylic blu-tac'd to each others fingers.
Needless to say, I've done better jobs, kayla was quite happy with hers, in fact she said is was 'HELL' good.  Yes, apparently saying hell before other words is the in thing these days.  Here at WCIT, we learn Hell lots of stuff.  Sigh....
After the tips, we had a quick intro into parafin wax treatments, interesting and invigorating.  So that's a must have for sure.