Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Catherine's new acrylics

I think I know why it takes me longer than the target time, everybody who comes in needs some prep work done prior to the acrylics, example, today Catherine also got a full Mani as well as gel topcoat and polish.
So I am feeling better, though still need more practice.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Nails for Jacinta

For some reason, these ones took me a while, maybe it's coz I missed a step here and there and had to redo, who knows, but 3 and a half hours later taaadaaaa.  She did enjoy dinner though.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Katy's nails

Thank you very much Katy for your hands today, I was sorry it took so long, nothing seemed to go right.  So a quick set of blended nails took 4 hours. :(
But we did add a few extras onto them that really blinged them out.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Margo's new acrylics part 3

Since my victim, errrr, volunteer didn't turn up today, I did a fresh set for Margo, and they turned out very very good
They looked fantastic when I finished them but after putting a UV top coat on.  WOW!!!!

2 sets today

Thanks to Linda and Jodie for their hands, pictures attached.
Jodie's were special, as I used full well tips and used UV gel for the first time, exciting.
Immune pink gel, then silver glitter gel,finishing with the UV topcoat.
A few bumps, but was fun to use..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My latest client

I asked this customer to present her nails, she was a little perturbed by it and proceeded to wreak havoc on my nail table.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Acrylic nails for Emma

My latest victim, Emma let me use her hands today, and here is the result, she had really really short nails so the tips look overly large on her.  She loved them however and that is the important thing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cherise's new acrylics

Thanks till Cherise for volunteering to the nails by mark training, below is a picture of the end result, getting better IMHO.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Full set of acrylics

My First full set of acrylics, thanks to Shanae for giving me her hands to practice on.  She even said they felt much better than the shop done set she had prior.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My new case

Thanks to Niel and Eleanor for this birthday present.
A great little set of detatchable bits to cart around the endless supply of stuff you need for this profession.

Acrylic nails for margo

So this is my second go with acrylics on Margo last night.
This was definitely better than my first go, by at least 500 times.
Yay, go me...
You can see stages which include blending, acrylic application and the final result.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My new car

So I took my new car for a test drive this morning, it was fun until stupid Ford broke down in front of me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Margo's new acrylics

I took way waaaaaay too long and had to remove a couple at the start coz of air bubbles, but not too bad for my 2nd set on a real human.
Feel free to comment.

ZOMG Acrylic day

I now know what it feels like to have acrylic nails on.   In a word, weird, but apparently it takes a couple of days to get used to them.
I only have 1 hand done, so will definitely post more pictures when the left hand gets done tomorrow.
As you can see the various stages of the work on my hand.
Stay tuned.